The Zibster website platform makes it very easy to showcase video content on your website using the VIDEO BLOCK. The video block allows you to embed video content from your video platform, including YouTube, Vimeo, and more for playback on your website.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You'll want to upload your video content to your video provider first. Your video provider will give you the embed code you'll need to support playback within your website.
This guide will walk you through the steps of adding the video block and embedding your video content on your Zibster website once you have the video content uploaded to your video platform.
Log into your Zibster account and click on WEBSITE in the left side menu.
Add a new page OR select the existing page you'd like to add a video block to for your website and click on the VIDEO block button in the right side menu to add the video block.
Click on the video block and paste the code from your video provider into the EMBED CODE section in the right side editor. Scroll down and click on the SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom of the editor.
STEP FOUR (Optional)
You can edit the following options for your video content in the video block as well.
- TITLE - allows you to include a short title that will appear with your video content.
- DESCRIPTION - allows you to include a short description of the content of your video that appears with it in the video block.
- MOBILE COVER IMAGE - allows you to upload a graphic to appear for mobile users so the page loads quickly for your visitors.
- BUTTON TEXT - allows you to add a button with the video that links to another page, link, etc. of your website.
- LINK TO - controls where the button text links to for your visitors that click or tap on the button.
Click on the SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom of the editor to apply the changes to your video block and update your website.