Customize your website colors under the DESIGN tab in your control panel.
Note: If you change your template, the colors will also change.
Your colors are organized into 5 different groups: Accent Colors, Button Colors, Background Colors, Icon Colors, and Text Colors.
Accent Colors
Accecnt Color #1: Control the prominent colors of your website, such as the hover effect, page titles, and highlighted text.
Accent Color #2: Control the background of your last item link in addition to item and caption titles.
Accent Color #3: Control the background color of your site links and social media block, your store checkout, and the color behind your menu block.
Note: Accent colors impact your website in different ways, depending on the template you have selected.
Button Colors
Control the button text and the background color of your buttons.
Background Colors
Control the background color for your content, footer, form fields, and the site.
Icon Colors
The icon color controls your social media icons. The content icons color controls any icon that show in the content of your website, such as: external links, gift cards, and video play buttons.
Text Colors
Menu Text: Control the color of the menu text.
Site Text: Control the text for text editors, form labels, and item descriptions.
Contrast Text: Control the color of your last item link text and image galleria controls.
Footer Content Text: Control the text color of your footer content.
To change your colors, click the square next to the color you want to change.
You can choose a new color from the color wheel, your accent colors, or recently used colors. You can also put in a HEX code for a specific color. Press OK followed by save changes to apply the new color to your site.
To learn more about what the color category controls, hover over the information (i) icon.