Inventory is helpful to keep track of your stock and when you are running low. Using our Ecommerce you can set the low stock quantity for each product you sell online.
For example, you can set a quantity of 5 to be considered low stock for an item. Once the inventory of that items reaches this number it will be marked in your control panel as low stock. This will allow you to restock your inventory.
To begin setting low stock for your products go to E-COMMERCE and hover over TRACKING and click on STOCK.
Click on the SKU number for the product you wish to set as low stock.
This will show you your current stock history up to the last 100 transactions.
To set the low stock amount, click on the LOW STOCK MARK button.
Enter the quantity you wish to set to be the low stock mark and click SAVE.
Once an item reaches the low stock mark, you will see an orange flag in the status for that product indicating it as low stock.
On the front end of your store, your clients can only purchase the amount of products available in your stock.