Last Item Link
Using the Last Item customization feature allows quick loading of your content, and for your users to be able to choose whether or not they want to see more imagery from a particular set. If you load more images into an image block than can be shown based on your selections of rows and columns in the Layout area, you have the following options:
The Last Item feature can be used in a plethora of blocks including:
- Images Blocks
- List Blocks
- Blog Blocks
- Products Blocks
- Services Blocks
- Scheduler Blocks
- Mood Boards
How to enable:
Go to the advanced section of your desired block.
Select the tab to the left "last item link"
From the options you can enable either the option "yes as a "load more link"" or "yes as a Standard Link"
The options include:
- None: No link will be used in the grid
- Yes, as a "load more link": When this is clicked it will load another set of items with in the page, this is controlled by how many rows and columns the block is set up with.
- Yes, as a Standard link": when clicked, it will link out to a separate page, the standard link can be an external link, page, form, marketing, file, phone, email, address, video, and pop-ups
*Note with the Yes, as a "load more link" it is good practice to enable this in advance so that your gallery has room to grow in the future!