If you would like to add Google Recaptcha to your forms as an additional safeguard against SPAM form submissions, you will first want to navigate over to the Google reCAPTCHA page by clicking on the following link - https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create.
You will be asked to "Sign in" using your Google account. This can be a GMAIL email account or a G Suite for Business email account. *Please Note* if you are already logged into your Google account within your internet browser, you will skip the sign-in page and be directed to the next section.
Once you log in with your Google account, you will want to select the option: "reCAPTCHA v2 Validate requests in the background".
Choose the option for "Invisible reCAPTCHA badge Validate requests in the background".
Type your website domain name in the field that reads "Add a domain, e.g. example.com"
Once you have submitted the information from above, Google will provide you with a unique Site Key and Secret Key.
Now that your Site and Secret Keys have been created, you will need to place both of them within the "Policy Settings" area of your Zibster account. To access the "Policy Settings" section of your account, you will want to:
Log into your Zibster account
Click the menu on the top right of the page
Click "Account"
Click "Settings"
Click "Policy Settings"
Once you are on the "Policy Settings" screen, you will want to scroll down until you see the "TURN ON GOOGLE RECAPTCHA" section where you can add in your keys and enable the Google reCAPTCHA.